The Grinch Visits Sweet Creations at the George Eastman House

One day in December to Rochester-town,

Came a man dressed in green with a very big frown.

He walked all around. He crept like a mouse.

And finally stopped in to the George Eastman House.

And what did he see? What did he smell?

Sweet Creations galore – what a story to tell!

One special creation did catch his eye

A lovely blue house with a big car – oh my!

He tried to discover which people had done it.

It was made and displayed by the folks at The Summit.

The Grinch started smiling in a non-Grinchy way,

His tiny, small heart grew two sizes that day!

The George Eastman Museum‘s Sweet Creations exhibition, sponsored by The Summit, continues through January 5th. Learn more at…